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redirected is a performative tryout-series in several sequels, exploring the border crossing of virtual and real body as well as of real and virtual space

redirected examines the effects the cyberspace has on the rudimental understanding of space and therewith the constitution of the subject and the body, associated with the social and political space in the 21st century.
Some theoreticians of the virtual space speak about the contracting and vanishing of space and therefore the end of the individual in the flesh. They assume the constitution of a interstice in cyberspace that replaces the current and immediate space and give birth to a new, fictive and chimerical (non-)space.
What is the subject's role in this virtual space? How will it handle it?
Conditioned by biology, humans perceive their environment only as an image. The sense organs function as an interface between the inside of the subject and the outside of its surroundings. The subject trusts in these impressions, because every image can be interlinked to concrete experiences, tangible with objects or emotional with people. In our imagination these impressions organise itself in a "symbolic system", which allows us to function in the reality of life. For about 200 years this symbolic system has been characterized by capitalism, continously increasing its abstraction. It grows steadily to a determining factor for and in the subject.
Our world of experiences has been enlarged by a system that cannot be interlinked back to practical knowledge - virtual reality, which only realizes itself inside the computer, Internet and other media. The virtual reality is an endo-world that can be experienced using the computer as an interface. The spectator can look at this world from an exo-perspective that is generally not a part of reality. The user of the endo-world can dive into it ‚naively', but also transfer back the experiences he made into reality or otherwise try to induce elements of the exo-reality into the endo-reality.
In contrast to intersubjective interactions in everday world, the interactions done via the computer-interface give the individual the opportunity to deny or alter his physical constitutions. In non-haptical interactions with objects or people there is always the virtual plain of subjective perception in between. In interactions through the computer, either with the machine or with other people, the virtual plain of audiovisual perception is duplicated.
What consequence does the possibilty of virtual masquerade have for the worth and self-confidence of the subject? In the internet, in front of/behind the mask of the virtual image, the subject can hide completely to give his desire an ideal state. The question of desiring the other and the ego´s constitution no longer depends on physicality - desire becomes autonomic.
The subject has freed itself behind the ‚protection-shield' of the virtual interface, but cannot flee from his body. It is still bound to his physical determination. Even if there is an area where the subject can take it off, it is not able to declare its body as an illusion.
What consequences has this paradox for the state of the body in the capitalistic system? Whatever consequences are there for the social and political subject?
In redirected we want to develop field trials in wich the experiences of the virtual world are linked back to the material, concretely perceivable space. In that way we want to explore the questions about interaction by/with machines/internet, the mechanisms of social interaction and the backlash of the different layers to each other.

Four structural components are to be accentuated:

  • Re-projection/imaging the "net-space" back into the "real" space.
  • Interlink of the"endo-experiences" to the real body.
  • The arbitrariness of the capitalistic automatism controlling the subject as a factor of consumption.
  • The meaning of social competence and interaction in coupling the endo- and the exo-perspective.

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